Donations support research and help power breakthroughs
– Our researchers engage in collaboration that cuts across disciplinary boundaries in our areas of priority, generating scientific, business and societal breakthroughs. Donations enable our researchers to pursue new avenues of research and the University to invest in the development of teaching, President Mari Walls says.
The fundraising campaign was launched following the decision made by the Board of Directors of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra to award financial support amounting to €100 million to universities in Finland. The Finnish government has pledged to match private donations made to universities between 2020 and 2022 at a ratio of up to 2.5.
– This means that each donated euro can generate 3.5 euros. This opens up a world of new possibilities for universities to invest in research and teaching, Mari Walls says.
– Besides our multidisciplinary approach, our University’s particular strengths include extensive partnerships and contact networks and our mission to build a more sustainable world in close collaboration with the broader society. We invite everyone to join our support team. Together we can make a difference.