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TAMK aims to develop more internship opportunities for international students

Published on 15.12.2021
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Student in laboratory
As a University of Applied Sciences, TAMK teaches hands-on skills and prepares the students for work life. Even if internships are not mandatory, they can play vital role in students’ careers.

TAMK understands the unique needs of international students and offers a series of services to support their integration in Finland. Besides their degree, the students learn about Finnish culture and society.

During their studies in TAMK, there are numerous resources available and encouraging lecturers and staff to help international students explore the Finnish job market. For example, the students can follow workshops on building a CV and writing motivation letters.

“Our international students can benefit greatly by developing skills and competencies during their internships. Internships are also a great way of networking with different organizations, they can find their future job,” emphasizes Tapio Kujala, TAMK President.

Internships in TAMK and local companies

Both Finnish and international students often choose TAMK for their internships. It is an easy choice thanks to TAMK’s vivid and inclusive community. The lab environments and staff are already familiar to the students and the community is comfortable with the use of English language.

“An internship is a new occasion to practice Finnish language and build your CV. Students should go ahead and ask for internship opportunities,” advices Tianshu Yu, double degree intern in TAMK Paper Lab.

TAMK strives to create more internship opportunities for all students by collaborating closely with local companies and organizations. An internship provides the setting to meet professionals in their future career field and helps them learn all about workplace culture.

“The internship prepared me for what to expect in my future work field. I believe students need to go to companies for internships so that we can learn how to apply what we have learned,” says Hao Xi, double degree student who completed an internship in Metsä Tako Mill.

Having an international trainee is beneficial to the companies as well, and can help the employees with internationalisation at home.

“A company can internationalize its sales and grow its market or simply create a more multicultural environment and try speaking in a foreign language,” concludes Tapio Kujala.


Read the full story in TAMK International Blog.


Text: Dimitra Panopoulou-Huovila

Image: Jonne Renvall