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Tampere University admitted 3,531 new students – number of accepted students increased

Published on 2.7.2024
Tampere University
Opiskelijoita kokoontuneina puistoon kesällä.
Opiskelijoita Tampereen yliopiston orientaatioviikolla elokuussa 2023.Photo: Eino Ansio
This year 3,531 new students have been admitted to the Finnish-taught programs in Tampere University. There were more applicants and admitted students than in the previous year. Based on the number of applications received, Tampere University was the second most popular choice among applicants of all the universities in Finland.

A total of 31,631 applications were submitted to Tampere University in the second joint application round this spring. The number of applicants increased from the previous year (28,953 in 2023).

Judging by the number of first-choice applicants, the programmes leading to a degree in economics and business administration, a licentiate degree in medicine, and a degree in psychology were the most popular fields of study at Tampere University. In addition, the programmes leading to degrees in teaching, administrative sciences, social sciences, and industrial engineering and management attracted wide interest. Special education teacher training, which was available for the first time, was also of interest to applicants.

Part of the applicants already got the information about their study place in May when the selection based on the school certificate was published. 

Number of students accepted increased

A total of 185 students were accepted through the Open University's pathways and performance-based admission. To be eligible for admission via the performance-based admission route the applicant must have completed the course required by the field of study and the academic performance must meet the requirements. The students who were accepted via Open University routes have been completing the route studies that meet the admission requirements. 

The number of study places in education starting in autumn 2024 was further increased in June, when the Ministry of Education and Culture and universities in Finland agreed on increasing the number of study places in medical fields. At Tampere University, 15 new study places were added to the degree programme in medicine.

Also, the number of study places for early childhood teacher training was also increased in spring 2024. 

The final number of new entrants will be known in August, when admission from a waiting list in the joint application process ends. 

Earlier in the spring, 1,483 applicants were admitted to the international master's programmes at Tampere University.

Place must be accepted by 11 July 

The results of student admission under the joint national application scheme are available in the My Studyinfo service. Newly admitted students must accept their offer of admission no later than 11 July 2024 at 15:00 (3 pm).

All applicants who sought admission to higher education under Finland's joint national application scheme in the spring 2024 will receive a letter with the admission results and the minimum score for admission to each field of study. In some fields of study, applicants placed on the waiting list may still be admitted if places open; the closing date is 6 August 2024 at 15:00 (3 pm).

Applicants who sought admission through the Open University route or universities’ transfer application have been informed of the publication of the admission results by email.

Welcome to the community, new students!

The welcome weeks for new students will take place on campuses on 19–23 August 2024. During these weeks, important information events, workshops, online lectures, and a service fair for new students will be organized. Tutor groups also meet right from the first day of study.

All newly admitted students are advised to read the new student checklist and programme-specific instructions, which are available on the University’s website, well in advance before the academic semester begins. Read more on the Students Guide.

Further information

Admissions Office
 +358 294 520 400 (Mon-Wed and Thu 12–14)
 admissions [at] (admissions[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Media contacts
 Kaisa Keskitalo, Head of unit, Student Services and Admissions
 +358 40 7545951
 kaisa.keskitalo [at] (kaisa[dot]keskitalo[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Links (in Finnish unless otherwise stated)

Press release on the number of applicants (28 March 2024)  

Press release on adding study places to medical study options (26 June 2024)

Student’s Guide for new degree students 

Results of student selection

Statistics on student admissions (data updated)

Open University route studies 

Press release on new students to international master’s programmes (English) (4 April 2024)