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Tampere University is included in Shanghai ranking

Published on 28.8.2024
Tampere University
Research and action, details and a view from Tampere.
Photo: Jonne Renvall/Tampere University
Tampere University is included in the international Shanghai ranking of world universities. It received the best scores for scientific publications.

As last year, Tampere University is ranked among the top 600 in the international ARWU comparison of universities in which it came in the group of 501–600 best in the world.

The top one hundred universities get an individual ranking, after which they are listed by groups of hundreds. The Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) compares more than 2,500 universities, from which the top 1,000 are selected for the ranking. 

ARWU ranks universities by using several academic and research performance indicators, including papers indexed in major citation indices, highly cited researchers, and articles published in the Nature and Science journals. Nature and Science, which are among the world’s most prestigious scientific journals, publish research especially in natural sciences and medicine.

When scoring scientific publications, ARWU uses the Web of Science database and its citation index.

The comparison also takes into account Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals in Mathematics awarded to researchers and alums. The points awarded are compared to the numbers of researchers and teachers at the University. 

This year, the three highest ranking universities were Harvard, Stanford and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which are all in the United States.

The Shanghai ranking was first conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the early 2000s. Since 2009, the rankings have been produced by the independent ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. 

Read more about the ranking