We are preparing for pre-planned power outages
For safety reasons, we recommend avoiding moving around the campuses during an outage because of the accident risk associated with dim light or darkness.
Depending on the communications of Tampereen sähkölaitos, we will reach out to students and staff on the affected campus with an Intranet bulletin and an email message.
The Intranet features guidelines for both students and staff.
turvallisuus [at] tuni.fi (turvallisuus[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Chief Specialist Kirsi Reiman, Tampere University’s preparedness, kirsi.reiman [at] tuni.fi (kirsi[dot]reiman[at]tuni[dot]fi), tel. 040 849 0461
Senior Advised Matti Pietilä, TAMK’s preparedness, matti.pietila [at] tuni.fi (matti[dot]pietila[at]tuni[dot]fi), tel. 040 557 6440
Director Pertti Iso-Mustajärvi, Facilities Management, pertti.iso-mustajarvi [at] tuni.fi (pertti[dot]iso-mustajarvi[at]tuni[dot]fi), tel. 040 542 2865