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My user rights

Tampere University and TAMK

Your own user rights

My user rights page on the service shows you all your staff contracts and the associated user rights. You may apply for a new user right through here.

The main page lists all the contracts of a user. The list usually shows staff or student contracts and, in certain situations, both at the same time. Under the contracts, you can see the user rights that the users have applied for their contracts. You can view the user rights by clicking the "^" button at the end of the contract.

Apply for new user rights

There is an "Apply for a new user right" button in the top right corner of the screen. Through this button, a user may apply for user rights for a service they need. The user right must be applied for an existing contract. The contract may be that of a student, staff member or a resource agreement. The user rights and opportunities for choosing services are determined by the type of the person's contract.

User rights and Applications tabs

You see two tabs at the top of the page: User rights and Applications. The first one is a default page that shows your user rights and contracts. The Applications tab shows you the applications you have submitted for additional user rights. You can visit this tab to see how your application is being processed.

Points to consider about user rights

  • Users get automatic basic user roles based on their basic roles as employees and/or students.
  • Basic user rights are also retained for the student registered as absent.
  • The basic user rights start 3 days prior to the start of the contract and end 7 days after the end of the contract. A person must have a contract in order to be granted user rights.
  • People on basic resource agreements receive the basic user rights of visitors and are valid for the duration of the agreement.
  • People on extended resource agreements receive the staff-equivalent user rights which are the same basic user rights as employees.


The basic user rights of staff/students

  • identification (LDAP, HAKA, AD)
  • Office365
  • - one's own information

Additional user rights for staff

In addition, staff members get the user rights for the following systems automatically:

  • Mepco - employee
  • M2 - traveller
  • Promid
  • SoleTM
  • Intranet
  • TUNICRIS (All research and teaching staff, doctoral students as well as those who have an extended resource agreement have automatic access to TUNICRIS. If you belong to another staff group, please apply for access through the Tampere University identity management.)

The rest are additional user rights.


The following changes will apply to staff at Tampere University from 1 December 2021 onwards:

  • Unpaid study leave, more than 30 days: additional user rights will be disabled for the duration of the absence
  • Unpaid personal leave of absence, more than 30 days: additional user rights will be disabled for the duration of the absence
  • Study leave, max. 30 days: occupational healthcare services will remain available throughout the absence 
  • Unpaid personal leave of absence, max. 30 days: occupational healthcare services will remain available throughout the absence
  • Childcare leave, max. 30 days: additional user rights will remain enabled & occupational healthcare services will remain available throughout the absence
  • National service & non-military national service: employees will not be eligible to use ePassi funds or occupational healthcare services during the absence
  • See also Managing long-term absence

Additional user rights to be applied separately

  • Additional user rights are always associated with contracts and expire at the end of the contract.
  • Additional user rights are related to the emlpoyee's tasks eg access to information systems used by financial services.
  • Additional user rights are applied electronically via the self-service portal.
  • Employees' applications for additional user rights are supported by their supervisor, and the person responsible for people on resource agreements supports their user right applications.
  • The user rights are granted / approved by the person who owns the system in question.

IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 16.6.2020
Updated: 21.5.2024