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Finland's first continuing education for forensic nurses has been completed!

Published on 23.5.2024
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Kuvassa valmistuneet oikeushoitajat sekä oikeuslääkäri Aaro Mäkelä ja TAMKin lehtori Raakel Viheroksa.
Graduated forensic nurses, forensic medical examiner Aaro Mäkelä (left) ja TAMK lector Raakel Viheroksa (right).
In May 2024, 17 students graduated from Finland's first continuing education programme in forensic nurses, which began in autumn 2023. The training was carried out in cooperation between the forensic medicine unit of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).

The continuing education was attended by health care professionals who wanted to enhance their skills through forensic nurse training. Since the training was the first of its kind, the need for it was clear and the training was on high demand. Forensic nurses were trained to treat suspects of various crimes and victims of assault. A special emphasis in the training of forensic nurses is the identification, collection and documentation of medical evidence. During the year, the course covered many themes, including sexual and violent crimes, substance abuse investigations, internal smuggling and determination of death.

– The students found the topics of the training interesting throughout, but especially the workshop days with practical training and the excursion to the district court, where the students were also able to follow the hearing on violent crime, were considered memorable, says the teacher in charge of the course, Raakel Viheroksa.

The teachers of the course, forensic medical examiner Aaro Mäkelä from THL and lecturer Raakel Viheroksa from TAMK, together with other experts, made this nationally significant education possible. Graduates of Finland's first forensic nurse training programme are pioneers in their field who, in addition to clinical work, will develop the operating methods and treatment paths of their organisations and wellbeing services counties for patients undergoing clinical forensic examination. TAMK's lecturer Raakel Viheroksa says she is proud of the motivated and highly skilled forensic nurses who graduated from the training in different wellbeing service counties from Lapland to Uusimaa.

TAMK thanks the trainers of the course and warmly congratulates the new forensic nurses!