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Kone Foundation grants over €4,3 million to Tampere University’s researchers

Published on 8.12.2023
Tampere University
Research and action, details and a view from Tampere.
Kuva: Jonne Renvall/Tampereen yliopistoPhoto: Jonne Renvall/Tampere University
In the 2023 general call for funding, the Kone Foundation awarded more than €44 million to innovative research projects and multi-voiced art. The Foundation granted money to 24 projects at Tampere University.

In the general grant call of 2023, 350 projects were funded. To researchers at Tampere University, the Kone Foundation awarded 24 grants totalling €4,393,600.

In the 2023 general grant call, the Foundation received a record number of 6,684 applications. This year, Kone Foundation awarded grants, prizes, and donations totalling over €55 million.

In terms of the number of applications, the Foundation awarded funding to 5.2% of the proposed projects this year. In terms of the amount of euros applied for, it granted a total of 6.6% of the euros.

Tampereen yliopistosta apurahan saivat:  

At Tampere University, a grant was received by:

Doctoral student Amir Reza Barjasteh: Epistemic Practices in Authoritarian Governance: The Case of Iran, €33,400

Master of Social Sciences Iuliia Gataulina: Pluriversal waters: Tracing hydro-ontologies across colonial-extractivist assemblages, €217,500

Doctoral researcher Vesna Holubek: Teaching and learning cultures in transnational higher education: Focus on Finnish education export, €34,000

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Angel Iglesias Ortiz and research group: Forms of Resistance & Practices of Hope School of Social Sciences, €318,400

Associate Professor Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen and research group: Ruptures in intergenerational political values in Finland, €337, 400

Senior Research Fellow Anne Ketola and research group: Contractual language: From irresponsible sustainability jargon to clear sustainability communication, €349,100

Senior Research Fellow Anne Ketola and research group: A handbook on audio description, €109,000

Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer Elina Kuusisto and research group: Towards professional class guidance and a motivating school community, €264,500

PhD Mikko Laasanen: The essence of Finnish language mastery: the linguistic integration of categories of thinking into structures, €157,600

Master of Health Sciences Tuulia Lahtinen: Prevention and treatment of pregnancy- and childbirth-based incontinence in maternity and child health clinics. €134,300

Professor Arto Laitinen and research group: National doctoral school network in philosophy, €60,000

Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer Liisa Mustanoja and research group: Tampere of feelings: linguistic affect, non-discriminatory language, and the accessibility of research participation, €314,200

Doctoral researcher Faruk Nazeri: From problem-orientation to solution-orientation – Learning outcomes of pupils with a non-Finnish background and factors affecting them, €100,200

M.Soc.Sc. Juulia Niiniranta, Experiencing peace in the shadow of war, €138,600

Doctoral researcher Aslihan Oguz: Leave No One Behind: A Feminist Participatory Ethnography on Immigrants’ Food Practices for Just Transitions, € 133 600

Associate Professor Maiju Paananen and research group: Data activism and equality in childhood institutions, €423,300

Adjunct Professor Nelly Penttilä and research group: Speech diversity and societal attitudes in the context of stuttering, €198,200

Doctoral researcher, architect Marja Rautaharju: The formation of architect Maija Könkkölä’s early accessibility expertise in the overlapping contexts of architecture and the disability movement of the 1970s and 1980s, €102,900

Assistant Professor Terhi Ravaska and research group: Wealth Inequality, Well-being and Public Policy, €339,800

Performance artist, doctoral researcher Camila Rosa Ribeiro: Future-memory fractals: toward a decolonial understanding of temporality and childhood, €35,000

Master of Arts Jenni Räikkönen: Northern routes of the maternity package: Socio-material experience of maternitr care on postwar northern Finland, €33,400

D.Soc.Sc. Minna Seikkula: The Affects and politics of abortion, €162,600

M.Soc.Sc., social worker Jaana Suontausta: Meaning in the margins: experiences of meaningfulness and young adults excluded from the labour market, education and training, €100,200

Academy Research Fellow Teemu Toppinen and research group: Normativity, Gender, and Mathematics, €296,400


Kone Foundation’s mission is to make the world a better place by creating conditions for free research and art. The Foundation supports academic research in the humanities and social and environmental sciences and arts as well as in professional artistic work in all fields of art.

Kone Foundation’s bulletin on the awarded grants, 8 December 2023

Statistics and listings of grants, prizes and donations awarded in 2023