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President Keijo Hämäläinen at the opening of the academic year: Science and education are the keys to society’s well-being

Published on 4.9.2024
Tampere University
Rehtorin viittaan pukeutunut mies puhujapöntössä.
Photo: Jonne Renvall, Tampereen yliopisto
Tampere University celebrated the opening of the 2024–2025 academic year on the city centre campus on Tuesday, 3 September. In his opening speech, President Keijo Hämäläinen highlighted the important role of science and education in fostering the unity, well-being and economic competitiveness of our society and ensuring our national security of supply.

President Keijo Hämäläinen expressed his delight with recent public investments in research and development, such as the national doctoral education pilot aiming to train 1,000 new doctoral graduates to support RDI activities in business and industry. At Tampere University, 106 doctoral students will participate in this pilot programme. 

In addition, President Hämäläinen emphasised that increasing the budget for higher education in Finland will improve the availability of specialist expertise in our crisis-ridden world. One notable example is the System-in-Package Fabrication (SiPFAB) pilot line with a total budget of €40 million, which will be established at Tampere University.

“Tampere secured this substantial investment as a result of active collaboration involving stakeholders across the entire region, showcasing the exceptional strength of our regional ecosystem.” 

The President voiced his concern about the significant number of young people struggling with their well-being in Finland, the happiest country in the world. Hämäläinen noted that mental health issues have already become the primary cause of delayed academic progress among students. 

“We have therefore made accommodating the growing diversity among learners our top priority in the development of education,” he said.

According to Hämäläinen, Tampere University has successfully navigated the challenges following the merger of its two predecessor institutions, and the university community is now united, working towards common goals in a spirit of mutual respect. 

“Of course, we still have a way to go to improve our operations, but I am certain we will achieve our goals by working together constructively. We can confidently look forward to a bright future and set our sights even higher.” 

Kvartetti esiintymislavalla.
The performance by the virtuoso quartet Tango Revolution was met with resounding applause from the audience.
Photo: Jonne Renvall, Tampereen yliopisto

Investing in the development of expertise is a value judgement

The keynote speech was delivered by the Mayor of Tampere, Kalervo Kummola. He stated that Tampere University plays an indispensable role in enhancing the attractiveness of Tampere in a world where change is constant and success increasingly relies on expertise. Cities that succeed are those that offer not only excellent employment opportunities but also a high quality of life. 

Kummola was particularly pleased that funding for the establishment of a professorship in the experience economy at Tampere University was secured through collaboration between the City of Tampere and various companies and organisations. 

“Experiences are what people need,” Kummola noted.

Noora Hakulinen, Chair of the student union TREY’s Board, gave a speech emphasising the multifaceted role of Tampere University, not merely as an educational institution but as a place where people can grow, learn, discover themselves and find a sense of belonging.

“The student union is also involved in nurturing students into critical, aware and active citizens. The university community provides a broad range of opportunities for students to engage and make a difference. I urge you all to take full advantage of these opportunities,” she encouraged her fellow students. 

Juhlavieraita verkostoitumassa lämpiössä.Photo: Jonne Renvall, Tampereen yliopisto

A recording of the opening ceremony will remain available for two weeks (until 17 September 2024)

Read the full programme of the ceremony